Masai i Masai Mara

Masai i Masai Mara

Thursday 3 March 2016

Eagles in Dalen, Telemark

A group of 6 photographers made the 5-6 hour drive from Stavanger to Dalen in Telemark. Dale is a community with approximately 570 habitants. The Municipally, Tokke has a population of ca. 2250. Tokke has traditions back to the viking age.
For a natur photographer Dalen Villmarksenter is certainly a place to visit. The King Eagle is the main attraction here and the chance to see them is high. Dedication for this kind of photography is required as all hours between dark in the morning and dark the evening are spent in the photo hide.
During the stay no disturbing noise or movements are allowed - eagles that do not show up is not good for the photographers.

The area up here is beautiful with mountains and forests. There is, however, an issue with some of the people living here - it seems that they hate wildlife like wolfs, lynx, eagles, wolverine etc. Got the impression they mean the eagles kill the sheep and thereby destroy their community. They also are of the opinion that the low number of grouse in the area is caused by too many eagles. Their solution to the problem is to kill them.

Squirrel in the morning light. Before spending the day in the photo hide for eagles, we had the opportunity to come close
to this one.

Bull fink (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) in a steep dive.

Spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major ) trying to open a nut.

Jay (Garrulus glandarius)  in flight.

Squirrels are excellent in jumping.

Coming up from the valley below.

Kongeørn (Aquila chrysaetos) in its right environment..

When the eagle feel save it will approach the food. 

Huge wing area is displayed in the landing phase.

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